November 10 – Launch of Luna 17 (1970)

Luna 17 was launched on November 10th, 1970, at the start of a ten month mission to deploy the Lunokhod 1 rover, the first machine to move about the Lunar surface under its own steam. That’s just a figure of speech; despite looking like it might have been steam powered, Lunokhod was run by rechargeable batteries attached to a solar cell.

In the image above, the rover is the hot-tub shaped object on the top, and the things that look like wheels actually are. To the left and right are ramps to allow Lunokhod 1 to leave and begin exploring.

That exploring lasted for 321 days, covering over 6 miles (10km) of the Mare Imbrium, one of the largest craters on the Moon (and indeed in the Solar system) and involved taking thousands of photographs of the view and samples of the local soil.

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